January is my least favorite month. I don't particularly enjoy cold weather. I grew up in the desert, and snow days and weather delays were non existent. I prefer sunshine and warm days, and every January, I contemplate why EVERYONE doesn't live in Hawaii. But, January does mark new beginnings, and most years I'm at least somewhat motivated to set a few goals for the year ahead. Also, when I stop and think about it, January 2010 does hold a few milestones. . . .
This January marks our sixth anniversary on Lansill Road. We've now lived here twice as long as we've previously lived anywhere in our marital career. Lexington, Kentucky, has become "el permanente", so to speak. Also, January 2010 marks four years of me working as an employee of Women for Life. This is the longest I've ever been employed by one organization.
But even more significant is this: January 2010 means Chip has been a part of my life longer than he hasn't. We began dating when I was 20, in January 1989. We've now been "together" for 21 years. If that doesn't make me want to burst into the ballad, "Endless Love", I don't think anything will.
So, maybe that's how I should view January - the "Milestone Month". Not concentrating so much on the fact that it's below freezing outside, the trees are bare and the sky gray, and I've already slipped and fallen once in the snow. Perhaps dwelling on the accomplishment of sharing over 20 years with someone is a more worthwhile idea. And celebrating the stability of knowing there are no plans to leave our Life on Lansill.
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