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I just listened to the Hawaii Five-0 theme song. The original, of course. Everyone knows the original is always better than any remake. Anyway, I feel better now. For 2 reasons:
- I've been meaning to listen to this song since I heard about the new series. I grew up in the 70s, so this song takes me back. . . .
- I like this song. Who doesn't?
I needed a pick me up. And sometimes it takes a song with no words to do that.
I'm continuing on with my job search. My last blog post about my job hunt was August 18. Since then, I've had 3 interviews and 2 rejections. I had my latest interview this afternoon, so I'm not sure of its outcome. Probably won't for a couple weeks. Today I also applied for a job on the Fayette County Public Schools website (Associate Director of Human Resources). I've got a few pending possibilities at the University of Kentucky (one that I think I'd really like that involves writing). But nothing solid. And my current job will most likely end at Thanksgiving (a month from now). Unless some major donors come through.
So I continue the hunt. And I wonder, what will become of me? Not, as in, will I soon be fending off hunger? But in, what will I end up doing with 40+ hours of my week? I'm not one of those people who has a profession. As in, I'm not a lawyer or a teacher or a nurse or a plumber. I'm a wife and a mom who likes to bake, make crafts and jewelry, read, and write my blog. And except for The Pioneer Woman [yes, I reference her a lot], I don't know many people who have made it big, or even make a living, simply doing these things. But because I have a college degree in Business Administration, and probably could, in my opinion, take over Lexmark (I read the current CEO is retiring), I press on to find that all encompassing, breaking back into the full time workforce, career accelerating job. But it's hard to get your foot in the door. It's hard to be considered when you're 42 and took quite a few years off of work to be with your kids. Then eased back into the workforce part time, working at organizations you believed in, not places that built up a resume.
Okay, yes, I'm joking about taking over Lexmark. But the hoops one has to jump through are frustrating. Unexpected group interviews. Online applications that don't inform you you're not qualified until you've wasted 20 minutes of your time answering questions that no human might ever read. Today, when applying for the HR job at FCPS, I had to fill out an administrator survey, administered by Gallop. Administrator as in school principal. Yet the job has nothing to do with being a school principal.
It's a constant tension for me, really. Often I apply for jobs I don't really want, simply because I know the day might realistically come when I really, really need to be working and am not. I question why others seemingly work in fields they're passionate about, yet I could very likely end up answering somebody's phone for money [can't his wife do that?]. And sometimes I wish I'd hung in there as an 18 year old Interior Design major, despite the fact that I did horrible in drafting class. I question why I changed college majors 2 times. I wonder if I could make a decent income teaching piano lessons (most likely not). I consider becoming a hand model (yes, again, I'm joking). I think about one of my female business professors and wonder [what would Nancy do?] in my situation. I question how as a full time working mom we'll handle juggling the schedules of 2 kids that attend magnet schools, not the close by neighborhood variety. And maybe worst of all, I go to work and wonder why such an important curriculum might not be taught anymore because we've lost our federal grant. check out OUR blog
So, like I said before, I continue the hunt. Please forgive me for [almost] ranting. Perhaps I'll listen to Hawaii Five-0 again and feel better. The beat goes on. .
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