Friday, November 12, 2010

I am pleased to announce

I begin a new job next week!  Yes, it's been a long time coming.  In January, I received this news:  "The FY 2010 annual Federal appropriations law does not include a provision for the Community Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) program.  Therefore, there is no funding for the CBAE program. . . blah blah blah."  Basically, the grant I worked under was taken away.  Meaning, if my workplace didn't access other funding sources, we'd close down, sometime after 9/30/10.  Well, that day is here.  We're closing down.

But, back to my opening statement:  I begin a new job next week!  

So, while I will no longer be able to tell my children I work in the sex industry [yes, that's a bit of a stretch, but hey, sex ed is what we teach, or rather, taught!], I will continue to have an income.  And, I'll be working at Lexington Leadership Foundation, which is an organization that impacts our community in a positive way.   My new title is Program Assistant, and for the most part I'll work with Amachi and Urban Impact [check out the above link for details].  

This new opportunity will be a full time venture.  Something I've not done for about 14 years.  And that makes me a tad bit nervous.  But I picked up this tidbit from a woman I look up to, just today:  When she returned to work full time, she was hesitant, questioning God as to why this was happening.  Her kids were still young.  His response, "Why wouldn't you trust Me with them {her kids}?"  So, that's what I'll remind myself to do.  Realize God has provided, and trust. 

Psalm 121 {read it, it's good}

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