Monday, March 12, 2012

do [nothing]

I am a do-er.  I have been told to [do] something for years.  At least that's what I heard; perhaps it was only my interpretation.  Yet, it's how it seemed.

  • Do ______ if you want to go to college.  
  • Do ______ if you don't want to get into trouble. 
  • Do ______ if you want a job.
  • Do ______ if you want to raise a successful kid.
  • Do ______ if you want to play the piano.
This especially seemed to be the case in regards to church and ministry.  Volunteer.  Sign up.  If you have a kid in the nursery, you must work in the nursery.  Or the other side of the coin - work in the nursery so a mom that has a child there can enjoy the worship service.   Bring in a canned good.  Prepare a meal.  Sit in on a planning meeting.  Sit in on another planning meeting.  Stay late and help clean up.  Teach a class.  Lead a group. 

After quite a few years, or basically my lifetime to this point, I am inclined to surmise the world could possibly stop turning if I don't  Please don't believe I think highly of myself and my abilities.  I honestly don't.  It's just that work and doing and accomplishing something [even if it's minimal], is what it seems to be all about.

During this season of my life, I'm not doing a lot.  At least not a lot compared to what I've done in the past.  I'm not teaching or leading or instructing or playing.  And it, at times, feels odd.  I can easily develop those self imposed feelings of guilt.  There's a voice inside my head that says, "Join a group."  Or "Volunteer."  Or "Do something, because you're wasting time....."

I read this recently:

Stop looking for the next adventure, challenge, 
hurdle, drama, or excitement. 
Be present. 
Be here now. 
Stop trying to change people. 
Stop trying to do anything. Just be.

I realize that sometimes doing nothing is alright.  And maybe, just maybe, doing good doesn't have to be planned.  Maybe it should simply be a natural outpouring of normal, everyday life.  Perhaps we over complicate and over analyze and over ______  everything to the point that we're exhausted and doing purely for the sake of doing.  Maybe most of the time I'm so busy trying and doing, that I'm not listening.  And not seeing the most important. 

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