Sunday, May 27, 2012

congrats to us

My husband and I have successfully navigated the middle school years.

2 kids = 6 years of middle school

Allie in her graduation dress.
As of daughter Allie's 8th grade graduation on Wednesday, we've made it through adolescence and puberty, and we're headed for college.  Of course, that also means we've mastered diapers, ear tubes, daring to discipline, and much, much more.  We've attended countless band concerts and athletic events and school related functions.

One more year for Jamie, four more for Al, and we're empty nesters.

While that makes me feel sad and sentimental, it also gives me a sense of pride, knowing we've accomplished yet another milestone.  Sometimes we forget, in all the hoopla for the kids, that we parents are doing an alright job.

We're at the age parentally [yes, I've made up my own word], where we can happily assess our near 18 years of being mother and father. And to my husband Chip, I proclaim,
Jamie, entertaining his Spanish class.

"Good job, friend!  Thanks for hanging in there with me!"
If you too are a parent of a person in the winter of their childhood, I hope you take the time to indulge yourself in your accomplishments.  It takes more than getting up everyday to get a kid where they need to be. 

In the immortal words of Phil Dunphy from Modern Family, 

"You fake your way through it. And hopefully you don't raise a serial killer."

And nearly 18 years far, so good.  

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