Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fiction Blog

A while back I had what I consider a pretty nifty idea:
Create a fiction blog!
I like to write.  I actually wrote a novel [no, it was not published], but that's another story [literally].
Well, daughter Allie enjoys writing too, so I thought, why not make this a joint effort?  Maybe we can even get Chip and Jamie to participate also.  So far, it's just Allie and I, but we're having fun.

Our fiction blog is in the form of a journal or diary.  It is based on the Constant family, and includes 4 members:
  • Veronica {Shane's wife; Danny & Larissa's mom}
  • Shane {Veronica's husband; Danny & Larissa's dad}
  • Danny {son of Shane & Veronica; Larissa's older brother}
  • Larissa {daughter. .  .you get the picture}
Up to this point, Allie has written all entries for Larissa, and I have entered the rest.  If you'd like to read what we've written so far [which we hope you do!],
please follow this link:  A Few Constants
Once there, go all the way to the bottom [the first entry is dated July 20] and work your way up.  Thanks!  And please comment to let us know your thoughts.

Happy Reading!

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