Here is the Urban Dictionary definition of teen angst:
When teenagers, for any number of reasons combined with their hormones and stress from school, get depressed. Contrary to popular belief, some teenagers actually do have it rough and have to deal with [crap]* most adults don't have to. Other teens don't and just like to pretend they do. Either way, everyone has a right to be pissed off.
*I changed this word.

"........I am immensely proud that we are a church that 'unabashedly serves the poor and the meek'
You should be proud of that as well."
I found that to be, at least a bit, inspirational.
2 weeks from today, he'll be in Haiti. 2 years after his original venture to the island. He's going with his dad, along with a missions team. He wants to go. He's happy to go. He'll miss 5 days of school, but that's not a worry for him. Haiti is far from a resort destination. And after the earthquake, he and his dad really don't know how different things might be from their last visit. I think that's pretty inspirational.
A few days ago we received an envelope addressed to Jamie, containing $40 cash from a girl he went to school with last year. He has since transferred schools, but their friendship has apparently continued. She was inspired to send him $40 towards his Haiti trip. Which I in turn find. . . . inspirational.
So, while I know that my teenager will at times suffer from a classic case of "teen angst" {he is a musician, after all}, it's comforting [and inspirational] to know he has a ♥ and is a positive influence. And it seems some of his friends are, too.
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